The Prefab Messiahs

"Well, the Rolling Stones come to town / Don't throw The Prefab Messiahs out of bounds / God save those…

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Keep Your Stupid Dreams Alive 2014 - Album
Energized by a shockingly great 30th Anniversary mini-tour, wiggy art-punk popsters The Prefab Messiahs have cooked up their first new…


grinni Feb 09, 2012

Hi! I want to use 'Desperately Happy' for a student film I'm working on. I'm planning to post the movie on my YouTube-channel. I will not be earning money from it. Would that be a breach of the license?

NartraRadioRoma Jul 23, 2010

hELLO!!! This is the brand new podcast by NartraradioRoma, only music Creative Commons and you are in!!! Join us at Thanks a lot!!!! Playlist NartraradioRoma vs All: 01_Dannata Sifundi - Dannata (Qoob) 02_The Dreams - Palm Street (FMA) 03_Leninox...