theAudiologist crafts the most tranquil and surrendering of sounds, these opining overtures tingle and twinkle with all the suspended charm…
not sure I understand your message - try emailing (with your email) - I have a remix project you could join.
WOW! Fantastic! How can I get in touch with u, if I want to use ur mosic for a project I am working on?
Played today on the show - ranking ?2-12 worldwide - get in touch. ta Zaph and we'll get you some club play too in pdx For quality broadcasting please send physical CDs & vinyl directly to the studio The Soup...
You on facebook dude...Gotta spread the word..Love your tunes :)
not sure I understand your message - try emailing (with your email) - I have a remix project you could join.
WOW! Fantastic! How can I get in touch with u, if I want to use ur mosic for a project I am working on?
Played today on the show - ranking ?2-12 worldwide - get in touch. ta Zaph and we'll get you some club play too in pdx For quality broadcasting please send physical CDs & vinyl directly to the studio The Soup...
You on facebook dude...Gotta spread the word..Love your tunes :)