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Released Aug 13, 2023
Plays 13.2K
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The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Presented here is a collection of piano music titled "Itse." This album is comprised of several tracks that follow a narrative arc.

The first track, "For the Needed Rain," explores finding calm during turbulent times. "Intentional Response" contemplates using this sense of inner peace to guide our reactions to various life situations. "Stages" takes the listener on a journey of inward and outward personal growth, much like a mandala or lotus flower. "Golden Light Through the Leaves" evokes a sense of calm serenity, with gentle winds blowing golden leaves past a warming sun. Finally, "Itse" celebrates self-reliance and independence while remaining open to connections with others.

This album was inspired by my recent experiences, where I have relied more on my inner strength and less on others. Through seeking my inner truth, I remain open to life's realities and foster meaningful connections with others.