Jackson Frederick Smith

Jackson F. Smith

239.6K plays 98.6K downloads
Released Oct 31, 2012
Plays 239.6K
Downloads 98.6K
Favorites 7
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info
autumndoeslife Nov 08, 2018

Perfect for a video I'm doing full of southern sayings and expressions. Love this!

cyberhirsch Aug 06, 2014

this is composed by john williams for star wars and therefore obviously not to be distributed under creative commons license! please change that!

pua4d Nov 02, 2013

Nicely done! Didn't I hear this long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away? Or is this the original and the other picked up by transgalactic radio?

Cezara Jun 28, 2013

Hello! I'm a student and I would like to ask you if it's ok if I use your song in a video for a course assignment?

rafael.real Jun 03, 2013

Hello, I enjoyed the music. 'm Graphic designer and would like to use for an animation audiovisual, may authorize the use of music for video internal to my company?

LORITIG Apr 16, 2013

i like some the older songs they give life to the world.

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