Jazzy Spacy Frog

Checkie Brown

7K plays < 1K downloads
Released May 24, 2024
Plays 7K
Downloads 1
Favorites 0
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Last Jam recordings in the Staubkeller Studios. For commercial projects you can get licenses on MUSIKBRAUSE.

Sandsofa Studios Jun 27, 2024

Hi Tom! Yeah thank you for your comment! Makes us very happy to hear! Have a great time and stay tuned! Lobo from Checkie Brown

Tom Croce Jun 15, 2024

Cool! It reminds me of my band's music, just a lot better! :D I dig the krautrock elements in "Lucky Blue Riders" a lot. It's nice to have discovered your music guys

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