Lopker & Lenore | Spaceship Earth

John Lopker | Popular USA Majority

11.5K plays < 1K downloads
Released Mar 08, 2023
Plays 11.5K
Downloads 11
Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Album info

1. Must've Been Sleeping (Pregnant, he's gone, still loves) 2. Harvard Handyman (Alone? He'll fix you up. Naughty) 3. Goodbye Time (You know it's over, now say it aloud) 4. Song of Grace (Boy badly bullied saved from suicide) 5. Mary My O My (Abused kid told mom who took revenge) 6. Rock Me Asleep (Hansel &amp; Gretel journey to the soul) 7. Children of Another Exodus (We are all immigrants) 8. Far From Home (She killed a man, now on the run) 9. You Don't Get Me (Strong woman moves on) 10. Founders' Children (Remember OCCUPY?)


John Lopker


John Lopker