

20K plays < 1K downloads
Released May 01, 2022
Plays 20K
Downloads 23
Favorites 1
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Some people started rubbish podcasts, some learned a language, some ate too many sausages and got all fat, but others spent their Covid lockdown time more fruitfully.
Take, for example, the three surviving members of Nutmeg; Clive Masters, Benji Wendle and Wendy Wendle. Finding themselves isolated in Clive’s cottage in the middle of Dartmoor for 6 weeks in late 2020, the 3 newly reconciled band mates started working on a set of songs inspired by the uncanny tales of English folklore in Clive’s old issues of Fortean Times that he insisted on reading aloud from each morning over breakfast. The result is Lore! - a haunting collection of shiversome tales sure to delight and put the willies up discerning music lovers in equal measure.
Full Nutmeg story here