Lost Pursuits

The Exploding Pea

8K plays < 1K downloads
Released Mar 18, 2023
Plays 8K
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The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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When you're little, it's easy to lay down in the grass, roll down a hill, and get back up. That's what the little kids in my neighborhood do to pass the time until their older siblings get dismissed. They roll, they run, they climb trees ... anything to keep moving while the parents stand still waiting. What do the kids think about their parents just standing there? Why don't they do fun stuff instead while they wait?

Song for the kids, which started this whole idea, takes samples, melodies and beats from freesound.org that are licensed CC0, modified and layered on top with my vocal melodies and lyrics. The vocal melodies and lyrics of most songs from "Lost Pursuits" were inspired by the cool stuff I played around with on freesound.org. The title track and 'Sometimes' on the other hand were old guitar songs that were reworked using cool freesounds to give them new life ....

What Lost Pursuits is really about is retracing your steps to better understand your north star. What are you moving towards? How will you get there? I may feel like I've found a new pursuit, I may even pursue it for years only to find I was heading in the wrong direction. That's why it may be better to just watch the kids instead.