Lullaby and Goodnight

Various Artists [Kazoomzoom]

89.3K plays 12.5K downloads
Released Mar 14, 2017
Plays 89.3K
Downloads 12.5K
Favorites 8
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Sweet dreams, little ones. Many thanks to all these wonderful artists who shared their songs.
Cover art "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" by Acerview54
Previously released: 1. Montana Skies - Soulstice 21 from the album Chasing the Sun 3. Howie Mitchell and Ruth Meyer - Dipper of Stars and 4. Howie Mitchell and Ruth Meyer - Brahms Lullaby (J. Brahms) both from the recording Duets on Double Dulcimer, 1963 7. Oskar Schuster - Sneeuwland from the album of the same name 8. Brent Hugh - Claire de Lune (Claude Debussy) from the album Fantastic Rhapsodies 14. Jahzzar - Family Tree from the album Sele
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