Machine Learning

John Bartmann

5.4K plays < 1K downloads
Released May 26, 2021
Plays 5.4K
Downloads 57
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The songs in this album are licensed under: CC0 1.0 Universal Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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It's a brave new world, and machines are doing the thinking. Embrace a new dimension in computer-assisted living with these tech-inspired instrumental music tracks. Moods include optimistic, focused, peaceful and intense. Influences include leftfield electronica artists Apparat, Telefon Tel Aviv and Herbert. Sounds include micro-sampled mbira, processed acoustic guitar and AI-assisted glitch samples. Grab this collection of futuristic mood enhancers and use them in your video or podcast.

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Permission: Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License. You must add this credit to the description of your video or podcast: Music by John Bartmann

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John Bartmann


John Bartmann