Making Eyes With,,,

Teddy and Marge

251.6K plays 26.7K downloads
Released Jun 17, 2015
Plays 251.6K
Downloads 26.7K
Favorites 5
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

mostly songs from the 30s and 40s, covered by a couple weirdos.

john h hesler Jan 04, 2024

Love your music. It is different but good. Take care.

Pecan Crazy Mar 22, 2016

awesome, id love to chat about it. we would be happy to have you utilize it. thanks. grady roper 512.665.2401 or

advanyoung Mar 22, 2016

Hi Teddy & Marge, Love the track "Dark Eyes" so much! I'm wondering how much it would cost to license for a visual project, i.e. short film, I'm putting together. How can I get in touch with you short of posting my email address on this comment-board? Best: Adrian

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