

1.7K plays < 1K downloads
Released May 02, 2022
Plays 1.7K
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The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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1. mugen

2. yami no ashioto(Shimada Remix)

(M-1)voice. ayumi melody

(M-2)voice. まつもと尚こ

(M-2)remixed by シマダオサム

(Swinging Popsicle / The Caraway)

vocal editor. タカユキカトー

cover art. 鈴苺

Relesed by Enouh Records

ユメノマ(yumenoma) has released 5 versions of "mugen" from 5 different countries.

The single "mugen" with different arrange,

guest vocals and jacket covers has been released from five countries:USA, Germany, Portual, South Africa, Japan.

Click here for the release location for each label ↓