Music for the Sleepy Traveler


691.2K plays 1.3K downloads
Released Jan 18, 2018
Plays 691.2K
Downloads 1.3K
Favorites 17
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Album info

Music composed, performed, and produced by Jon Salmon. Philadelphia PA.

JUKA SERRA Dec 01, 2023

Gostei demais! As músicas são relaxantes e alegres ao mesmo tempo. Parabéns pelo álbum.

dameragnell Feb 26, 2018

Hey love the relaxing feel of your album

CodesAndNotes Jan 26, 2018

Absolutely loved this release of sweet, beautifully crafted tunes which somehow translate pretty well this cold, gray "after-Xmas" period!

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