Música Para Benjamín Rubio, Ejemplo De Lucha

Raul Diaz Palomar

7K plays 1.3K downloads
Released Jul 14, 2017
Plays 7K
Downloads 1.3K
Favorites 1
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

A special Netlabel Day 2017 release featuring music from documentary BenjamÌn Rubio: Un ejemplo de lucha. Sweeping, intense and fitting for the subject matter. More information from the artist below in English and Spanish.
Music made for "BenjamÌn Rubio: Un ejemplo de lucha" documentary. Benjamin was a miner, anti-Franco dictatorship, syndicalist and founder member of one of the first labor unions of spain. The song "En el pozo MarÌa Luisa" (also known as santa Barbara bendita) is a traditional song of the asturians and leoneses coal miners, more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_B%C3%A1rbara_bendita#English_translation
(ES)M˙sica realizada para el documental "BenjamÌn Rubio: Un ejemplo de lucha". BenjamÌn fue minero, antifranquista, sindicalista y fundador de una de las primeras comisiones obreras. El tema "En el pozo MarÌa Luisa" (tambien conocida como Santa Barbara bendita), es un cantar tradicional de los mineros asturianos y leoneses. M·s informaciÛn: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_el_pozo_Mar%C3%ADa_Luisa