My Other Shadow

Kecap Tuyul

51.9K plays < 1K downloads
Released Sep 08, 2012
Plays 51.9K
Downloads 20
Favorites 3
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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For more questions regarding usage, feel free to contact the artist directly.

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Album info

This solo album of Kecap Tuyul is
his first completely acoustic one. It was mostly improvised and
recorded during the last week of the rainy month of April 2012, but some
tracks are based on old steel-strings guitar improvisations that were
recorded between 2009 and 2010 and were supposed to be used in his band
Pura Sombar (until being forgotten, found again and overdubbed...)

It was originally published September 8, 2012 by netlabel Webbed Hand

Credits :
Kecap Tuyul : acoustic guitars, voice, flute, artwork

Also available in lossless format (flac) from artist's page

If interested for commercial use, please get in touch, we can change the license and find a deal.


Kecap Tuyul


Kecap Tuyul