Neither and Both

Brylie Christopher Oxley

31.6K plays < 1K downloads
Released Dec 06, 2023
Plays 31.6K
Downloads 13
Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

"Neither and Both" is an exploration in generative music, where the boundaries of genre and form are seamlessly blurred. This album contains an interesting blend of electronic sounds, chamber ensemble pieces, textured vocal elements, and various other instruments. Each track is a testament to the power of instrumental ambiguity and contrast or otherwise simplicity, serving as a musical representation of non-dualism. The compositions fluidly transition between different soundscapes, embodying the concept of simultaneously being one thing and its opposite. The album invites listeners to experience a unique auditory exploration where traditional musical dichotomies are challenged and redefined. Perfect for those who appreciate music that entertains and provokes thought and introspection. "Neither and Both" is an invitation to delve into a world where the lines between different musical elements are blurred and harmoniously intertwined.