Not Shift Free Will


10.7K plays < 1K downloads
Released Jun 26, 2024
Plays 10.7K
Downloads 5
Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Contact artist

For more questions regarding usage, feel free to contact the artist directly.

Contact artist
Album info

This is a small project of which 11 songs came out, but only 7 made it into the album.
I wanted to understand how "suggestive" music works and offer the project for free.

This is not the final result of what I understood, I still have some more tools up my sleeve
but due to time constraints I am forced to leave it here for now.

I would like to offer at least one BDSM song that I have left pending.

If you have a project and want to use this music, I give you the approval to use it only if it is a "suggestive" project.



