Open Relationship

Bird Names

1.6K plays 13K downloads
Released Jan 01, 2008
Plays 1.6K
Downloads 13K
Favorites 1
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Recorded in the 20s of October 2007 in a small empty house in Berkley,
IL on a Fostex R-8. With meditation by Nora, Colin, Albert, David and
sage Griffin Rodriguez sharpening our knives, combing our attitude. As
too much power and choice will overman, the process growthfully gave us
equalization and fidelity within gated space. The album has an AM-radio
sheen, ambivalent moods, and mild gnosis. (Unsound Records; limited-edition handpainted 12" vinyl available from Wham City Records) - via


Griffin Rodriguez