PEACE is king here.


66.6K plays 24.1K downloads
Released Oct 10, 2015
Plays 66.6K
Downloads 24.1K
Favorites 12
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

PEACE is king here has been my main musical project for the past 2 years. I have spent a lot of my time recovering from severe depression and anxiety. Music has been one of the purest positive outlets for me and so I wanted to create an album that, as much as possible, promotes recovery and healing. I hope that it can fulfil it's goal of helping someone through tough times.
All composition, production and mastering was done by Robert Currie. All artwork was produced by Hannah Patel. You can find more of her work at Thanks to my friends and family who helped me create this project, whether directly or indirectly, your support is always valued.

dameragnell Feb 26, 2018

Hey the music is really meditative, love it!

shontz Dec 19, 2015

I like music that tells stories. I hope your depression and anxiety is terminated or at least mitigated through this outlet you have. This music is beautiful. You should be proud of yourself Robert. Well done. All the way from New Zealand:)

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