Peaking Through The Curtain


12.4K plays < 1K downloads
Released Sep 26, 2022
Plays 12.4K
Downloads 17
Favorites 0
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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This is a comission piece I did for one of Patreon Subscribers. He wanted a HipHop song about psychedelic drug use. I really ended up liking what I came with! This song is CCby, so use however you want as long as you link back to me :)

Please message me about comission work! I have a wide variety of music I know how to make, and I can make a rap song about ANYTHING. the more absurd the idea, the more fun I'll have with it haha.

you can support me on Patreon where you can get access to a huge library of Royalty Free Music only available to Patrons. New music monthly as well!

Holizna Patreon

You can also show your appreciation for all the free music I give out here on FMA by donating to my Buy Me A Coffee.

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