Ahoy, Matey! Be ye a pirate seeking gold? Be ye ready to board ship and set sail with only the stars to guide ye? Then these buccaneer sailing songs be just the treasure for yer ears! ARHH! Released for Netlabel Day, 2015 cover art contributions by JJ, Vector Jungle, and Katya Oddio 1. David Rovics - The Pirate Song from the album Har Har Har! Pirate Songs for Kids 2. Somebody - Peter Pan 3. Wellington Sea Shanty Society - Across the Line from the album Now That's What I Call Sea Shanties, Vol 1 4. The Mind Orchestra - Seagull from the album Devoured by the Comfort Zone 5. Wellington Sea Shanty Society - Great Open Sea from the album Now That's What I Call Sea Shanties, Vol 1 6. The Sovereigns - Pirate Mutiny from the album Pick It Up! 7. Black Bones - Captain Blood from the album Pirates of the Coast 8. Fri.Events Orchestra - Brave Pirates from the album European Holidays
More info on these artists, including links to their websites, in the compilation entry at Discogs. Full-size front, rear, and slimline album artwork here.