

2.2K plays 8.9K downloads
Released Dec 12, 2012
Plays 2.2K
Downloads 8.9K
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The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

This album contains 11 composed songs and 11 improvised songs. Here, Zoo ripens the concept that they started in "Trilogi Peradaban". The lyrics are using various traditional languages in Indonesia; Aceh, Bugis, Palembang, Dayak, Lombok, Kawi, Sulawesi Tengah, Banjar, and Minang. Not only that, Rully the vocalist/songwriter creates an alphabetical script called Zugrafi.
The packaging of "Prasasti" is made out of 1.7 kg granite, with the band name and album title carved on a stainless steel plate. Inside the packaging is also a sheet of recycled paper containing screen-printed lyrics and song credits. This packaging is only available for 200 copies, hand-numbered on the sleeve. The digital format released for free download by Yes No Wave Music on December 12th, 2012.