lola de la mata

18.3K plays 1.5K downloads
Released Jun 06, 2018
Plays 18.3K
Downloads 1.5K
Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

REMISE EN BOUCHE, which translates as palate cleanser, or in the mouth, is both an act of refreshment for the ears, and a commentary on the misogyny women experience in the creative industries.
the album combines field recordings, classical rifts, untrained voice, violin, and transformed feedback noise. the layers co exist, tangle, overlap, to form a textured sonic world, full of movement, with sounds appearing and receding into dark voids.
everything you hear in this album was generated acoustically either with instrumentation or concrete sound sources.
composition / mix / album art: lola de la mata
mastering engineer: andrew larrabee