Ronald Reagan, My Father

Brian Joseph Davis

5.5K plays 11.4K downloads
Released Mar 25, 2010
Plays 5.5K
Downloads 11.4K
Favorites 0
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Ronald Reagan, My Father is a collection of monologues and radio plays adapted from Brian Joseph Davis’s upcoming short fiction book of the same name, to be published in April 2010.Included are 5 new recordings created with performers from Toronto’s improv and comedy scenes. Five Minutes To Sexy HairHow to survive hair so sexy it sets the doomsday clock one minute closer to midnight. Performed by David Dineen Porter. Bury My Heart at TataouineStar Wars fandom collides with the War On Terror. Performed by David Dineen Porter.Ordinary PeopleThe story of America’s first death penalty case that became a custody case that became a right-to-die case. Now with a Texan-sized accent. Performed by Rebecca Applebaum.The Bourguignon Prize    The story of how brain damage led to award winning experimental poetry told using actual, brain damaged, experimental poetry. Performed by Kathleen Phillips. The Libertine    Dirk Bogarde is dead so this riff on Harold Pinter’s England stars that other shorthand for upper class decadence: Mayor McCheese. Performed by David Dineen Porter.Recorded and edited by Brian Joseph DavisSound effects courtesy of freesound.orgMixing and additional editing by Jakob Theisen

ltgpanik May 03, 2012

Played L'?tranger Show #252... een goede dag verder.

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