Sator arepo tenet opera rotas

Vernon Lenoir

24.8K plays 91.6K downloads
Released May 03, 2009
Plays 24.8K
Downloads 91.6K
Favorites 3
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Vernon LeNoir says : ”One thing the people often misunderstand when they plan to use the palindrome as a metaphor is the meaning of fate. Fate or fatality as the superlative of determination means that there is no chance of turning to another solution. There is no other solution than the one which was planned to be. Of course fatalists have to believe in god as the first mover (Aristoteles). But it is exactly this passive aspect that slows and freezes everything: the will, the move, the thought.
The palindrome itself isn’t just this expression of the passive, it is more, no, it is something else: it is a piece of art. It insists magic, it resists rationalism ( that only the meaning of the words is important) - a palindrome is an art IN its form. It puts the form into a metalevel of it’s own meaning.
It’s not the discussion of form and function, it’s the discussion of form and meaning. Meaning needs form to be articulated, and form again needs meaning to be considered more than its simple usage (Marcel Duchamps had exactly this in mind when he put the pissoir and the bicycle wheel into the context of art).
So the art of sampling is a way to deconstruct and reconstruct the form to create a new one. Recreation of form brings recreation of its meaning. Hopefully.”
Ego Twister says: ”When Vernon is not studying philosophy, writing screenplays or watching japanese movies, he composes music many times more entertaining that what you just read! Easy listening, early moog music, groovy beats, sample cut ups, glitch and bleeps : all those ingredients feed this mixed album (- don’t forget to remove the blanks between tracks before burning onto CD -) and make it a terrific journey into his imaginative mind. Download, copy, share!”