Sneaky Flute Moods: A Tribute to the Swirlies

Various Artists [Reverse Engine]

31.9K plays 18.6K downloads
Released Apr 08, 2012
Plays 31.9K
Downloads 18.6K
Favorites 1
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

ACHTUNG!: DOWNLOAD THE PDF FANZINE HERE!...and don't forget to WATCH or DOWNLOAD the animated intro by Dax Norman & Dave Merson Hess.
Introduction to the Fanzine & Compilation:In 2008, when the plan for a Swirlies tribute album was first announced, all sorts of people came out of the woodwork. Joyful weirdos, home recorders, dreamy lo-fi enthusiasts. We brought our Big Muffs, Jaguars, banjos and glockenspeils, our Casio SK-1s and crappy plastic microphones. We made some friends, made some noise and we got to work covering our favorite Swirlies songs. The resulting compilation features a lineup that spans eight countries and three continents.
Like the Swirlies catalogue itself, the sonic terrain is lush, varied and spans across many genres, including lo-fi, hardcore, indie rock, experimental pop, electronic, (don't say it!) shoegaze and undefinable. Yes, there's something to please everyone, from the casual circuit bender to the weeping teenager, the retired trapeze artist to the red-eyed trucker. And in the grand tradition of Richmond County Archives (the netlabel run by scientist slash Swirlies bassist Andy Bernick) and the Swirlies' own Magic Strop series, this compilation is free (as in free kittens).
Remember, "Sneaky Flute Moods" is a love letter. It was made by Swirlies fans who happen to be musicians. We're all matchsticks here. We made it for the band. And we made it for you. Thanks for listening.
--The Sneaky Flute Team
Luis. A.M. & Andrea G.B. (Mi Abuela Es Jazzista), Dave MH (Reverse Engine), and Victor F (Soundz From Nowhere)

mijofeo Apr 08, 2012

Fuckin stoked!!! I'm kinda glad it took so long now. Totally caught me by surprise that way. Thanks Dave.

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