Soundtrack Series: Half-Baked Oddities

Lisa Hammer

42.9K plays < 1K downloads
Released Jan 09, 2023
Plays 42.9K
Downloads 23
Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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For more questions regarding usage, feel free to contact the artist directly.

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Album info

Incidental music and sound FX for projects: Bad bands, dumb muzak, frantic beats, inspirational garbage, lo-fi indie rock for your very own ironic listening or use in any project. Drop me a note to say hi, let me know where you used my music, PLEASE credit and tag me, and send a link if possible! Happy creating!

Twitter: @TheLisaHammer
also visit: Lisa Hammer - YouTube
BANDS (not on FMA):
Radiana: Bandcamp
Dakini: Vinyl Re-release,
Original CD
Mors Syphilitica: Spotify
The Terror Twins: Spotify
Requiem in White:
FBDD: Spotify
The N.C.S.:
Watch music videos of all my music here: Dark Playlist