Tales From A Fairy World (Part 1)

Holle Mangler

43.3K plays < 1K downloads
Released Dec 24, 2021
Plays 43.3K
Downloads 23
Favorites 3
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

The sixth production of the main project is a concept album, consisting of two CDs. It is a journey through ups and downs in a fairy world. Although it is the most varied and dynamic release so far, the style cannot be clearly assigned. However, it shows parallels to progressive rock (new art rock, neo-prog, etc.), as well as to the familiar electronic sound.

The second CD is expected to be released in 2022 / 2023.

Available in MP3 and FLAC on www.HolleMangler.de


Holger Mangler


Holger Mangler