
Makaih Beats

32.5K plays < 1K downloads
Released May 21, 2023
Plays 32.5K
Downloads 32
Favorites 3
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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This instrumental possesses a certain allure that is reminiscent of a video game soundtrack, creating an immersive and cinematic experience. The seamless transitions and dynamic variations in "Technology" mirror the exhilarating highs and introspective moments that one encounters while exploring a captivating virtual world.

"Technology" by Makaih Beats is a testament to the artist's ability to create music that transcends genres and captivates listeners. Whether you're a gamer looking for the perfect soundtrack for your gaming sessions or simply someone who appreciates exceptional music, this track will transport you to a realm where technology and soul merge harmoniously.