The Death of Patience

Kevin Shields

5.5K plays 8.9K downloads
Released Jan 01, 2007
Plays 5.5K
Downloads 8.9K
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The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

First true full-length solo effort from Eva Aguila, aka Kevin Shields.
The pieces on this release focus on various combinations of function
generator, omni-chord, and a homemade mechanical device. Sheer cliffs
of feedback ice, throbbing and grinding gear distortions, and angelic
digital bursts slowly cancel each other out… creating additives that
are neither impatient nor dead. Here Eva shows how much her sound has
developed through extensive touring of both the US and Europe, with
recordings made all over the world (from France & Belgium to her
home in Los Angeles). (-via Deathbomb Arc)

Genre Noise