The Golden Beast


11.1K plays 3.7K downloads
Released Jan 01, 2012
Plays 11.1K
Downloads 3.7K
Favorites 0
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Carrageenan is the solo project of one Matthiew Levet, from Brussels. The Golden Beast cassette is heavy on the percussion experiments. Different bangs and clangs build to create a whole lotta riddim. This album might be a comment on robot sexuality...but I doubt it. Some compositions mess with the simplicity of drum machine cymbals/snare cracks, like "Dead Vegetables," while other pieces explore those same building blocks, but mold them into more hypnotic forms. I will not say this tape is easy to listen to as anything other than background sounds for an art installation that might be forming in yr very own listening area. A solo show for the bedroom gallery! On the other hand, those of you interested in counting and math, could potentially hear something in this release that I cannot.
-- via Cassette Gods