The GxOD Prequel

BenJamin Banger

152.2K plays 29.5K downloads
Released Aug 22, 2017
Plays 152.2K
Downloads 29.5K
Favorites 8
The songs in this album are licensed under: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Album info

To celebrate the 2 year release of my 1st creative commons album, #JustBecause, I decided to share my latest body of work with you. "The GxOD Prequel" is a peek into what’s in store on my latest studio album, "The GxOD Poet". You can stream/purchase it here
If you use any music from "The Gxod Prequel" please cite me with the link to the album and provide my social media @BenJaminBanger
As always, Thank you for listening.

Rex Babylon Sep 16, 2018

I really feel this whole album... My last album I worked on The Passion Hifi beats exclusive - check it out @ I think I want to do my next project with your beats. Best-

DigThat Aug 13, 2018

Incredible tracks my dude

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