Trilogi Peradaban


2.3K plays 6K downloads
Released Jul 18, 2009
Plays 2.3K
Downloads 6K
Favorites 3
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

Trilogi Peradaban or Civilization Trilogy in english is a debut full-length album by a math/noise-rock band from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Zoo implements indonesian traditional music on math/noise rock structure both in lyrics/theme and musical instrument. This album released on digital (mp3) format for free download and a boxset styled-CD-R format and categorized in 3 folders/discs depend on the civilization era (Neolithikum, Mesolithikum and Palaeolithikum).
For whole album download please visit Yes No Wave Music


Rully Sabhara Herman