True Stories

Marcos H. Bolanos

133K plays < 1K downloads
Released Oct 27, 2019
Plays 133K
Downloads 63
Favorites 1
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Album info

'True Stories' is made up of seven songs whose main protagonist is the piano. The intention in each of the pieces is to recreate a certain image or feeling, in the manner of painters or photographers, but using only the sound of the instrument. The ocean waves hitting on the cliffs, a window wet by raindrops, the drama of solitude, a simple life as the key of happiness, an impressionist painting of a garden, a kid who plays alone and the view of a rocky beach called Risco Verde are the themes treated on this album.

*You can use any of these tracks for non-commercial purposes. In case you have a commercial project, please contact me so I can grant you a license: