Twacky Cats

Dan Deacon

9.3K plays 5.1K downloads
Released Mar 29, 2004
Plays 9.3K
Downloads 5.1K
Favorites 2
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Album info

a 2004 netlabel release on Comfort Stand, who wrote at the time:Absurdist Composer and Electronic Musician, Dan Deacon, is based in
Westchester New York. Splitting his output into two major sections, live
performance and composition, Dan has been both completing his MFA in
Composition and performing his song-based electronic music through New
York area with his messy table of fancy electronic whosit and howsthat.
Musically influenced by Devo, Talking Heads, Scratch Orchestra, People
Like Us, Raymond Scott and Conlon Nancarrow, Dan's music strives to take
contemporary experimental composition and electronic music out of the
circle of the esoteric intellectual gangs and hipster communities and
place it into the more informal 'fun time'.
Check out more information about this album on its Comfort Stand release page.


Dan Deacon