Une Glace au Citron

Miss Emma

50.6K plays 180.7K downloads
Released Mar 30, 2011
Plays 50.6K
Downloads 180.7K
Favorites 6
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
Album info

This album began when Emma wrote the lyrics to her first song, "Une Glace au Citron" ("A Lemon Ice"). She gave the page to her dad (Juan Naveira of The Juanitos) and hummed the tune for him. He played it on the guitar for her. Within a few weeks, they put together more songs. Soon they were performing small concerts and appearing in the press. The video for "Une Glace au Citron" ("A Lemon Ice") became a hit on the Internet!

jessibird Dec 20, 2011

Can't get these songs out of my head...and I don't even know French!!!

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