Suburban Temples

Water Features

35.4K plays 3.7K downloads
Released Mar 13, 2018
Plays 35.4K
Downloads 3.7K
Favorites 1
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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Album info

1. Age Of Æschylus (Luxury Version) - The tower of wisdom was found, at great cost.
2. Stock Photo Of Hot Air Balloons - A new life, limited only by desire
3. Airgap - A butterfly above a culvert that's never seen water.
4. Gold Coast - Unparalleled luxury awaits those who dare.
5. Acclimation (Studio Mix) - Discover a new side of an old flame.
6. In Prelapsarian Times - A promise of Edenic Internet.
7. Outside The Citadel - Once spared, they were never spoken of again.
8. Suburban Temples Brand Activation Message (bonus track) - Sponsored content for SXSW 2018.


Water Features


Water Features