When You See Me Now


21K plays < 1K downloads
Released Apr 22, 2022
Plays 21K
Downloads 30
Favorites 0
The songs in this album are licensed under: CC0 1.0 Universal Please check individual tracks for their respective licensing info.
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For more questions regarding usage, feel free to contact the artist directly.

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Album info

This is song is about my last relationship. Specifically about the 2 years I spent waiting for this person to come back home after they left, and how when I fianlly moved on they were angry with me. Out of respect I always check with the person a song is about to clear it with them. as difficult as all of that was, we do have 3 children together, and while this song described a period of time, I have a lot of respect for the mother of my children. CC0 music, use how you want! you don't need to credit me, but credit is appreciated so I can find what you're doing with it and check it out!!

You can support me on Patreon! I am currently working on uploading a ton of Royalty Free music for my subscribers to use. I will also be putting out exclusing creative commons music there that you can't find on the Archive. As a patron, you can talk with me directly and discuss your needs for musical projects, as I'd love to make exactly what you are looking for. Basically for 5 dollars a month I can be your one stop shop for the music you need in your projects! I see a lot of people using my music on YouTube and in their podcasts. It really makes me happy to see!!

P.S. I will continue to upload a ton of new music here as well that you can use completely for free! I'm just looking for some support so I can justify the time it takes me to do this!




