Fly Away


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Released Jan 06, 2023
Plays 7.9K
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An energetic and inspirational track. Ideal for projects where you need the energy and motivation to pursue your dreams.

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Don't you see, there's a light inside you
If you, never try
That's something you'll never know
Trust the light
Let your heart to guide you
To spread out your wings
Cuz you know that you've gotta go

Catch a vibe, break the mold, you don't stop
To step out your past
And you go grab that one chance
Find your tribe
To be bold, you don't drop
To spread out your wings
Cuz you know that you've gotta go

You're gonna be okay
You gotta fly, gotta fly away
No need to be afraid
Just gotta fly, gotta fly away
You're gonna be okay
You gotta fly, gotta fly away
No need to be afraid
Just gotta fly, gotta fly away

Setting off
On a journey that will lead you to somewhere
There is no time to wonder
Blasting off
Live your life without even a little fear
There is no time to ponder

You're gonna be okay
You gotta fly, gotta fly away
No need to be afraid
Just gotta fly, gotta fly away
You're gonna be okay
You gotta fly, gotta fly away
No need to be afraid
Just gotta fly, gotta fly away

Instrumental No
Explicit Radio-Safe