Music Insiders by FMA - Episode 3 with Hessel van Oorschot & Makaih Beats

Music Insiders by FMA

115.8K plays 2.1K downloads
Released Oct 10, 2022
Plays 115.8K
Downloads 2.1K
Favorites 23
Music Insiders by FMA - Episode 3 with Hessel van Oorschot & Makaih Beats by Music Insiders by FMA is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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In the third episode, Head of Music; Marko Roca interviews Hessel van Oorschot; the CEO of Free Music Archive (FMA) and Tribe of Noise, about the new FMA revamp and what lies ahead for FMA.

We also meet FMA artist; Makaih Beats, born in New Orleans, Louisiana, but currently resides and creates his music in Australia. Makaih Beats shares with FMA listeners a bit about his music journey.

All songs used as background music:
Perfect Timing by Makaih Beats
Never Get Enough by Makaih Beats
Reflection by Makaih Beats
Dramatic by Makaih Beats

Take Node ID:

Instrumental No
makaih Oct 11, 2022

Thanks to Free Music Archive for having me on the show and for giving me a chance to share my story behind the music!

hessel Oct 10, 2022

Thumbs up.

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