Music Insiders by FMA - Episode 5 with Holizna

Music Insiders by FMA

154K plays 1.2K downloads
Released Apr 04, 2023
Plays 154K
Downloads 1.2K
Favorites 51
Music Insiders by FMA - Episode 5 with Holizna by Music Insiders by FMA is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Track info

In the fifth episode, Head of Music; Marko Roca interviews an FMA legend; Holizna from Pittsburgh.

He is a multidimensional artist best known for his amazing CCO Lo-Fi beats, many of them being featured in FMA's Best of Lo-Fi playlist, and his multiple artist pages sharing works in other genres:

All songs used as background music:
Busted Jazz by Holizna
First Snow by Holizna
Quiet Houses by Holizna
Unwind by Holizna
Night Driving by Holizna

Take Node ID:

Instrumental No