The Hangman

Sean Ferree

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Released Jul 19, 2024
Plays 155
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Track info

Rock song written, performed and produced by Sean Ferree


Where do I go from here?
So the hell with this
I’m tired of running circle from what I miss
Then when I thought you were gone, you reappear

What do I do?
When I’m still in love with you
I know you haven’t changed
And the thought of it is so deranged

I’m so torn
You would not look back and mourn
You can’t find the meaning
It’s the future that I’m screening

This wouldn’t be so hard
But I’m so far gone
And I feel as if I’m scared
The hangman that’s you’ve drawn

I ain’t gonna go back
When I’ve gone this far and made this pact
I’m on the train and I’ll lay the track
There are no other options; it’s already a fact

It just hurts sometimes
I think of how it could be different
These thoughts are nothing but repeated crimes
I know there is not a chance in hell you’ll change
Your letter is already sent
I won’t change for you; the future is so close in my range

Copyright 2024 Sean Ferree

Instrumental No
Explicit Radio-Safe