Let Them Win | 2124 Time Capsule Song

John Lopker | Popular USA Majority

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Released Jul 13, 2024
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Let Them Win | 2124 Time Capsule Song by John Lopker | Popular USA Majority is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License.
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No matter how much we try
Those voices will never die
We can only let them fly
Laugh at them, let them win

Those voices inside our head
We don't need to listen to them
We really don't need to listen
Let them fly, let them win
Let them win
Let them win

There's voices in India
China, and Australia
Billions of people
Trillions of thoughts
Thousands of religions
A gazillion opinions
All together worth less than:
A grain of sand
A breath of air
A drop of water
A single hair
A grain of sand
A breath of air
A drop of water
Nobody cares

So many different ways of life
So many ways different ways to fight
So many fairy tales to believe
So many ways to disagree

No matter how much we try
Those voices will never die
We can only let them fly
Laugh at them, let them win
Let them win
Let them win

There are voices in India
China, and Australia
Billions of people
Trillions of thoughts
Thousands of religions
A gazillion opinions
All together worth less than:
A grain of sand
A breath of air
A drop of water
A single hair
A grain of sand
A breath of air
A drop of water
Nobody cares

Let them win
Let them win
Let them win

Instrumental No
Explicit Radio-Safe