Jody Trump Crazy Clown | Convicted Felon MAGA Cult Loser

John Lopker | Popular USA Majority

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Released May 31, 2024
Plays 1.7K
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Jody Trump Crazy Clown | Convicted Felon MAGA Cult Loser by John Lopker | Popular USA Majority is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Donny is that guy that everybody hates
The Jody that stays home afraid to fight
And while military men are fighting away
Jody bangs their girlfriends and their wives


Donny is that guy that everybody hates
The Jody that stays home afraid to fight
And while military men are fighting away
Jody bangs their girlfriends and their wives

Donny dodged the draft
He was weaker than you
His daddy was rich
He knew what to do

He wanted a purple heart
For getting a penicillin shot
To treat his VD
And that stinky yellow sauce

You never see a Trump
Serving our country
That's for little people
Not the Trump Royal Family

They hate the military
Hate the USA
Hate you and me
Hate themselves, by the way

Burn in hell, Jody
Get out now
You're stink smells
Like Hitler Brown
Like Old Man Mao
Like a Crazy Clown

Instrumental No
Explicit Radio-Safe